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Artday – NASA Selfie

nasa ISS selfie by Chris Kelly iss045e082998 journal

This is NASA astronaut Scott Kelly taking one the best selfies in history. The image did the rounds on the inter-webs a little while back and now its hanging on my wall. I downloaded the image from the NASA website gallery, all content is available to anyone copyright free if used for non commercial purposes. I then had it printed and mounted at CPL Digital in South Melbourne. If you want some beautiful art then go for it, alternatively make it yourself as it can be done more cost effectively than buying mass produced cruddy art from IKEA.

Scott Kelly was on the International Space Station (ISS) for 340 consecutive days, setting an American record as well as the most accumulative days in space at 520, Russian cosmonaut Gannady Padalka hit 878 days or 2.4 years so the US is now lagging. Scott has an identical twin brother, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, since Scott’s return back to earth NASA have been conducting comparitive tests on the brothers and analysing their DNA and the effects of long term weightlessness. This testing is being done with the view toward travelling to Mars. Scott’s first of four space missions was for repair work on the Hubble Telescope where they fixed a mistake in the grinding of its massive lens. Prior to NASA, Scott was a test pilot and a US Navy Captain. I think you get my point here, this guy is a bit of a doer making his selfie worthy of note (Kim K is a talentless waste of oxygen).

Another fun fact, NASA astronaut John Glenn once said:

“As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind – every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.”
