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Apple Campus by Sir Norman Foster


I don’t think there would be anyone in the western world that doesn’t know about the massive Apple Campus 2.0 that is nearing completion in the US. This building or set of buildings is monumental and worthy of more discussion. I read something recently around the idea that governments and civilisations are no longer the makers of large scale feats such as the pyramids, hoover dam, moon landing etc. These are all now the domain of private enterprise which is a shame on the one hand but possibly a god send on the other, government wastage is at an all time high making them impossibly uncompetitive. Here are a few of the images of the Sir Norman Foster designed Apple Campus for the late Steve Jobs and Apple Inc, these were made available through the San Fransisco planning process and did the rounds at the time. They are stunning and also show the enormous scale of this thing, apparently the main spaceship like disk building is bigger than the Pentagon. The site plan was drawn at 1:100 and only just fits on 2x B0 pages, I’ve never in my career done anything bigger than 2x A1’s. If you didn’t realise, these images are renderings and spectacular renderings that also capture the vast landscaping to be undertaken. I am waiting with anticipation to see the final result and I suspect with Steve Job’s keen eye for detailing the building will be stunning. If you get a chance find the plans and you’ll spy some of the less noticed buildings including the spa and pool included below along with some more of the renderings for your viewing pleasure.





