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AR-VAG dinghy

Thibault Penven
Thibault Penven

I’ve posted a few items on mega yachts and luxury boats however I thought it was high time to tackle the other end of the market. Obviously still in-keeping with the theme of good design I’ve added this little beauty called the AR-VAG. Follow the jump below to see the action shot that makes this design so special… its a flat pack dinghy. Super light and portable while avoiding the classic inflatable. It’s like a piece of origami with a hard board seat and a couple of tent poles that keeps the shape, good stuff. Designed by Thibault Penven while a student in 2012 at Ecole Cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL). via Designboom.

Thibault Penven
Thibault Penven