noun: material regarded as emphasising the sensuous or sensational aspects of a non-sexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience.
adjective: pornographic, constituting or resembling pornography; obscene.
I never knew it was the term ‘graphic’ that made all the difference. Below are my top three porn sites that are all totally suitable for work.
1. Cabin Porn
The most amazing collection of cabins in the middle of nowhere, some of them look so remote… bliss. The site is as tranquil as the settings. They also produce a book, buy it.
2. Bookshelf Porn
Awesome for two reasons, the bookshelves and the mountains of books on them. This photo is Karl Lagerfeld’s own collection (only a fraction of it). He’s a known bibliophile which you can see in the way he lays all books flat. Excellent site and super nice to look at.
3. Stair Porn
Not my favourite but worth a look. This is a crazy collection of “stairs, and nothing but”. All shapes, sizes & colours from all over the globe. The site is a messy but the content is useful.